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Relaxing in Hammock

Reiki Healing Benefits

Reiki facilitates positive change in our physical, emotional, mental and spiritual experience. That’s pretty much everything. In its simplest expression Reiki creates a state of relaxation and calm in which our natural healing ability works at its best. In its most extraordinary expression Reiki can be miraculous.

Mind, Body
& Spirit

Medicine began by treating physical issues. Then it became apparent that our emotional and mental states were impacting our health. The practice of medicine became more holistic expanding to include mental and behavioral health. What’s next? We include the energetic or spiritual. We include Reiki.


What was formerly alternative to mainstream medicine is now embraced as complementary to medicine and included in an integrative way. Integrative medicine works well with the traditional stuff, and, it simply works. It isn’t an either or predicament.


Energy healing and hands on healing, aka Reiki, describe working with the human energy field as a synergistic whole ~ the physical, emotional, mental and spiritual. Reiki is the ultimate integrative healing modality working with all aspects or our being and supporting all other medical healing modes.


Take Away

There is growing interest in energy, consciousness and spirituality for all sorts of purposes. Consequently a buffet of mystical exploration is available. Many of the options do not promote healing. While working with a Reiki practitioner can include much of the metaphysical smorgasbord, the ultimate goal is for healing. Reiki practice can access extraordinary information always and only for the purpose of the recipient’s healing.

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