Susan Chiocchi
Certified Reiki Master Teacher, WCSI Faculty Associate, Caritas Coach®,
Diploma BHS, Certified Soul Retrieval Ritualist, BFA
RCA Founder & Lead instructor

RCA Founder Susan Chiocchi
Chiocchi (key - O - key) - Italian, meaning ‘what eyes’
Susan Chiocchi has been working with subtle energy over forty years ago. Her early studies led to training in Reiki beginning in 1997 culminating with a Reiki Master Teacher certification in 2000. While Susan founded ReikiColorado to offer private sessions and teach energy healing, she continued her studies completing a four year training in energy healing at the Barbara Brennan School of Healing in 2003. A two year training in Soul and Life Force Retrieval at Ligmincha International beginning in 2011 led to facilitating Soul and Life Force Retrieval ritual being taught at Chamma Ling Retreat Center in Crestone, Colorado and a second two year certification in 2018. In 2024 Susan was named a Faculty Associate for the Watson Caring Science Institute and completed their Caritas Coaching program.
She augments her understanding of the energy body in the Bön lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. In the past 2 decades she has completed innumerable annual retreats with Geshe Tenzin Wangyal Rinpoche. Susan has attended retreat teachings with luminaries in Buddhism including HH Lungtok Dawa Dhargye, the 34th Menri Trizin, Khenpo Tenpa YungDrung Rinpoche, Geshe Denma Gyaltsen, Geshe Chapur Rinpoche, Geshe Nyima Kunchap, Geshe YongDong and Khenchen Thrangu Rinpoche.
Concurrent with her energy healing studies and practice Susan began an in depth exploration of yoga. She completed many of Richard Freeman’s teacher trainings beginning with his first in 1999, and subsequently taught for his trainings for many years. She continued her studies with Richard and teachers from other lineages for another decade.
Prior to her work with energy healing Susan co-owned a communications firm and was a professional illustrator and designer. She has integrated these careers illustrating human energy phenomenon for Tibetan lamas to use in teachings and for Richard Freeman's 2010 book The Mirror of Yoga. Susan is a Certified Reiki Master Teacher, has a diploma in Brennan Healing Science and is among the first 15 laypeople to be certified to perform Soul and Life Force Retrieval ritual in the Bön lineage of Tibetan Buddhism. Her teaching program is endorsed by the Watson Caring Science Institute and she is a Faculty Associate. She teaches Reiki in workshops and apprenticeships and has been recruited as an expert witness for Reiki and as a guest instructor for the Urban Zen Integrative Therapist program. She completed a pilot study for Reiki with participants at a health center in the Denver metro area. Susan teaches Reiki to clinical staff, currently working with Boulder Community Health hospital (BCH). She teaches meditation for BCH and energy anatomy for Yoga Teacher Trainings internationally.
Susan’s energy healing practice is supported and enhanced by meditation and being active and in nature. Daily meditation practice cultivates centeredness to meet the both the complexity and subtlety of working with the energy realm. Being outside replenishes and balances the energy elements. She practices Tibetan yogas and is an avid hiker and rock climber.
By the Numbers
Reiki Healings
Years experience in energy healing and teaching
RCA Graduates
Reiki training endorsed by the Watson Caring Science Institute
Susan in 2024
Susan learned about Watson’s Caring Science and the 10 Caritas Processes® through her work with hospital staff. In an Ah Ha moment she realized that the theory and language of practicing Reiki had been beautifully created and reached out to WCSI founder, Dr. Jean Watson. Jean was in enthusiastic agreement about congruence between the practice of Reiki and the theory of Watson’s Caring Science. Currently, RCA teaching materials are being revised with the support of the Watson Caring Science Institute to present an integrated model for practice and theory. The art of Reiki and the Science of Caring are now being taught as a comprehensive whole.
Join Susan as she presents on
The Universal Energy Field, the Greatest Source of All Healing
for WCSI Caritas Healing Connection's November, 2023 meeting
Join Susan as she speaks about Reiki and energy healing with Leah Welborn on her podcast
Empower Your Magical Self